
Elvis Presley, Born to Music

The Great White Whale when it comes to forming new habits, for most people, is exercise.

Along with eating your vegetables, meditation, getting good sleep and quitting smoking, exercise is probably the most important habit change anyone can make.

And yet, most people struggle with creating a lasting exercise habit.

The solution is to replace the “exercise” habit with play.

Remember what it was like to go outside as a child? I do, because I watch my kids every day. They run around, pretending they’re warriors and wizards, ride their bikes like they’re flying, swing like they’re about to take off for the stars.

Kids don’t care about what they “should” do … all they want to do is have fun. And so they play.

2015년 8월 8일

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반파쇼민중뉴스 편집부

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반파쇼민중뉴스 | 등록일 2020.10.16 | 등록번호 서울 아-53330 | 발행인 한정혜 | 편집인 한정혜 | 청소년보호책임자 한정혜 | 서울 서대문구 신촌로 51, B1층 117호